Hello World! My name is Wayland Fong and I am a Technical Game Designer. My background is in game design and computer science, which allows me to bridge the gap between creative and technological disciplines.

I am the product of two schools renowned for game development: SMU GUILDHALL and USC INTERACTIVE MEDIA. I have 7 years of game industry experience with 8 shipped titles, working at AAA studios such as TREYARCH, RETRO STUDIOS, and id SOFTWARE. I made the $100,000 Grand Prize Winner in the 2011 INDIE GAME CHALLENGE.

5’0″, 125 lbs.

Fighting Style
Muay Thai

Personality Type

Fighting Games
1P/3P Shooters
Tabletop Games

Roller Coasters

Special Abilities
Level Scripting & Editing
Game Design & Programming
Tabletop Prototyping